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A short film to ban the shark fin trade in Europe and reconsider our relationship with all living beings.

The European Union supplies up to 45% of the shark fins found in major Asian markets. The good news is that we’ve never been closer to ending this. Are you with us?

Thanks to the power and message of this short film, the goal is to maintain pressure on the representatives of the European Commission to permanently ban the shark fin trade in Europe and strengthen the citizen movement that has been active for 4 years with the “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade” Citizen Initiative.

The European Union is currently part of the problem, but it can decide to be part of the solution. The time is now, and we need you!

We have until June 4th to make a difference!


Shark populations are disappearing at an alarming rate.

One of the main causes: the shark fin trade.

The European Union supplies up to 45% of the shark fins found in major Asian markets.

Join the movement and act with us to stop this !

First crew embarked

In August 2023, we went on a 3-day expedition in northern Spain to meet the blue shark, the most fished shark in the world. And in Spain, because it is the leading European shark-fishing country.

3 objectifs de cette expédition engagée :

  • Change the perception of these species, which are more threatened than threatening.
  • Raise awareness about the shark fin trade in Europe.
  • Inspire action to protect them.

Are you with us?

Anne-Sophie Mouraud


Camille Etienne

Activist for social & climatic justice

Johan Reboul

Le Jeune Engagé

Arthur Auboeuf

Co-founder Team for the Planet

Adélaïde Charlier

Activist for social & climatic justice

Morgane Trussardi

Little Gypsy

You can make the difference


I am participating in the public consultation until June 4th

  • Estimated time: 15 minutes
  • Impact of the action: very high

Your opinion matters and can make all the difference by participating in the online questionnaire launched by the European Commission. We have prepared suggested answers with the "Stop Finning - Stop the Trade" team to help you navigate through this process. One thing is certain: the more people who respond, the greater the impact will be!



I vote in the European elections on June 9th

  • Estimated time: 30 min
  • Impact of the action: very high

Your voice matters more than ever! The European elections are crucial to elect MEPs who are aware of the challenges of protecting biodiversity and the Ocean. These are the MEPs who will help us push for more ambitious measures, such as the ban on shark fin trade in Europe.



I sign the open letter addressed to EU decision-makers

  • Estimated time: 2 min
  • Impact of the action : medium-term impact

Help us keep up the pressure on European Union representatives by signing the open letter on our partner Only One's website.

Over 160,000 people from around the world have already signed it—join the movement now!


Are you a researcher, expert, consumer representative, or anyone involved in marine conservation?

We need you until May 16th! You can participate in the call for contributions launched by the European Commission.

The process is very simple, but be prepared to support your statements and opinions with evidence (studies, white papers, reports, academic references, etc.) to back the call for a ban on shark fin trade in Europe.

This is a crucial step in the process initiated by the European Commission. The more of us that participate, the greater the impact it will have on the final decision made by the Commission.


Everything you need to know about the 'Stop Finning - Stop the Trade' campaign and the ban on shark fin trade in Europe.

January 31, 2022 - We did it! The million votes milestone has been surpassed

After 2 years of campaigning, the ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ Initiative, launched in January 2020, has surpassed one million votes, calling on the European Commission to ban the trade of detached shark fins in Europe. Anne-Sophie Mouraud, our founder, joined the movement in December 2020 as a campaign manager and will become a member of the core team to help develop the strategy in France and internationally.

This is an unprecedented movement for sharks at a European and global scale, supported by more than 100 partner organizations and numerous influencers, activists, athletes, actors, and many others from around the world!

January 11, 2023 - The votes are officially submitted to the European Commission

1,119,996 votes are officially submitted to the European Commission. On this special day, more than 50 people from over 10 European countries gathered at Place du Luxembourg in Brussels, in front of the European Parliament. They represented over 1.1 million people, 100 nature protection organizations, many businesses and celebrities, as well as teams from over 15 EU countries and a multitude of people convinced that stopping the shark fin trade is the way to end the biggest direct threat facing sharks in the world’s oceans.

On this date, the campaign representatives officially submitted the request for the initiative to end the shark fin trade in Europe, confirming that EU decision-makers must address the issue and propose legislative action. This marks the culmination of years of hard work by activists across Europe to mobilize all forces and gather these votes!

February 6, 2023 - Presentation to the European Commission

The representatives of the ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ Initiative presented the arguments and goals of a ban on shark fin trade in Europe to European Commissioners during a meeting in Brussels. The commissioners listened attentively to the presentation on how ending the trade of detached shark fins would support the EU’s strategic objectives for marine conservation. After the official meeting, many Commission representatives stayed to ask more detailed questions and see the dried shark fins brought by the team, which came from confiscated shipments.

The European Commission is the authority responsible for determining the outcomes of the ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ European Citizens’ Initiative (ICE).

March 27, 2023 - Public Hearing at the European Parliament in Brussels

The ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ ICE was the subject of a public hearing within the PECH (Fishing Committee) of the European Parliament, in association with the ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee) and PETI (Petitions Committee).

A group of experts from the Initiative spoke on behalf of the more than 1.1 million Europeans who signed in support of the initiative. The legendary oceanographer and explorer, Sylvia Earle, opened the session to show her support for the Initiative, in front of EU decision-makers, raising awareness of the importance of sharks and the urgency of banning the trade in fins in the region.

You can watch the full public hearing below directly on the European Parliament website. Virginijus Sinkevicius, the European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries in 2023, guided the hearing and expressed his support for the ICE.


May 11, 2023 - Public debate at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg

The plenary session is the moment when “Members of the European Parliament participate in the EU decision-making process and express their views towards the Commission and the Council.”

Spanish Members of the European Parliament opposed the call for a ban on shark fin trade, stating that their fleets do not engage in finning and emphasizing the importance of existing regulations. Read the full article on Euractiv about the issue.

However, many supporters argue that the trade of detached fins perpetuates overfishing and hinders global shark conservation efforts, echoing the sentiments expressed by Fisheries Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius: “There is a global problem with sharks, and we should take our responsibility.” The EU’s significant role in the fin trade, particularly through Spain’s involvement, highlights the need for action.

You can watch the plenary debate below.

7 July 2023 - Official response from the Commission

The European Commission gives its official response to the European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade.”

In this response, the Commission acknowledges that initial research conducted over the past few months has shown that the shark fin trade is problematic and that the EU must take action. It therefore proposes conducting an impact assessment that will closely examine the consequences of shark fishing and potential regulations on the fin trade. This assessment will serve as the basis for deciding what type of regulation or legislation is necessary. The study will evaluate the economic, environmental, and social consequences of banning the trade in shark fins.

This response is a great result for the “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade” Initiative. Indeed, the Commission could have determined that the current regulations were sufficient and simply needed to be adapted. This response keeps the door open for the ultimate goal of a complete ban on the trade of shark fins, which we have set for ourselves.

While the decision to undertake an impact assessment does not guarantee legislation, it is a necessary step. Creating a law for 27 countries is complex and takes time. Economic figures need to be considered, and when it comes to sharks, this has never been done before, and the European Commission has the ability to do so.

However, the clear concern will be to ensure that all impacts are studied in the same way, including social and environmental impacts, biodiversity, ecotourism, coastal communities, and subsistence fishing impacts. It is clear that the industrial fishing lobby views this as merely an impact on its revenues. This is a critical aspect of the process that we must now monitor. There are still many obstacles to overcome, and we will need maximum support in Europe and worldwide to continue putting pressure on EU decision-makers.

With this official response, the Commission has fulfilled the mandate requested by the ECI. Commission members have clearly indicated that the issue of shark fin trade is now entering the “normal political process.” From now on, the Commission will act because it has recognized the need to do so and is willing to make it a priority alongside the many other proposals it will review in the coming years. For nature protection advocates and the European coalition “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade,” this means we are entering a political battle, just like any other legislative proposal. Developing a powerful campaign capable of successfully carrying this project forward over the next two years will be a major challenge, as it will require constant attention, funding, and action to succeed. This is why we will need many partners to unite and support this project with full commitment.


From February 22 to June 4, 2024 - Launch of the impact study by the European Commission with 2 key phases

We are currently in this crucial stage and we need you more than ever!

In response to the citizen initiative “Stop finning – Stop the trade,” the European Commission launched the impact study on February 22, aimed at evaluating the environmental, economic, and social consequences of a ban on the trade of shark fins within the European territory.

This period takes place in 2 key phases:

  • A call for contributions open until May 16, 2024: If you are an expert, researcher, NGO, or anyone with evidence that can support our call for a ban, we count on you!
  • A public consultation open until June 4, 2024: This takes the form of an online questionnaire addressed to people around the world. Every response is valuable, and to guide you in this process, we have prepared guidelines with the “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade” team.

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